Booking Setting 📝

Edit your booking website

Go to menu Setting -> Booking Setting

Notes for the customer

Show notes message when customers land on your booking website.

Appointment Lead Time

How much advance notice do you need before a client books an appointment? 1,2,3.. hours or 1 day.

Booking Slot Size

Show open slots at 9:00, 9:15, 9:30.. in your booking website.

Overlap Booking

Accept for overlap booking with option time: 5', 10', 15', 20', 25', 30'..

Turn on/ off:

  • Service Prices: Show the prices of the services in booking website.

  • Service Duration: Show the duration of the services booking website.

  • Book with Anyone: The system will auto choose the Staff when the customer booking.

  • Thank you Page: Redirect customers to you own page when they book appointment successfully.

Customize Labels

Customize tab labels for the subpages on your booking page, you can customize like: Menu, Order, Table, Room..

Last updated